イリノテカン+トラスツズマブ併用療法の進行・再発HER2 陽性胃癌既治療例に対する多施設第II 相試験 : OGSG1203 (HERBIS-5)
イリノテカン+トラスツズマブ併用療法の進行・再発HER2 陽性胃癌既治療例に対する多施設第II 相試験 : OGSG1203 (HERBIS-5)
A Phase II Trial of Trastuzumab Combined with Irinotecan in Patients with Advanced HER2-positive Chemo-refractory Gastric Cancer: OGSG1203 (HERBIS-5)
Effects of an oral elemental nutrition supplement in gastric cancer patients with adjuvant S-1 chemotherapy after gastrectomy: a phase II study (OGSG1108)
A phase II study to examine the effectiveness of nutritional support with elemental diet for stage II/III gastric cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 (OGSG 1108)
Phase II study of S-1 plus docetaxel as first-line treatment for elderly patients with advanced gastric cancer (OGSG0902)