Salvage-line of Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin Therapy (XELOX) for Patients With Inoperable/Advanced Gastric Cancer Resistant/Intolerant to Cisplatin (OGSG1403)
Phase I/II Study of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Consisting of S‑1 and Cisplatin for Patients with Clinically Resectable Type 4 or Large Type 3 Gastric Cancer (OGSG1205)
Phase I study of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with S‑1 for clinicallyresectable type 4 or large type 3 gastric cancer in elderly patients aged75 years and older (OGSG1303)
Short‑term outcomes of a phase II trial of perioperative capecitabine plus oxaliplatin therapy for advanced gastric cancer with extensive lymph node metastases (OGSG1701)
Five‑year outcomes of a phase II study of adjuvant chemotherapy with S‑1 plus docetaxel for stage III gastric cancer after curative D2 gastrectomy (OGSG1002)
PhaseⅡstudy of S-1 plus docetaxel as first-line treatment for older patients with advanced gastric cancer (OGSG 0902)
Meta‑analysis of three randomized trials of capecitabine plus cisplatin (XP) versus S‑1 plus cisplatin (SP) as first‑line treatment for advanced gastric cancer
Phase I dose‑escalation study on irinotecan, cisplatin, and S‑1 combination in chemotherapy‑naïve patients with HER2‑negative advanced gastric cancer (HERBIS‑4B, OGSG 1106)
Effect of the number of cycles of docetaxel + S‑1 therapy on long‑term survival in adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III gastric cancer. A pooled analysis of the OGSG0604 and OGSG1002 trials
TRESBIEN (OGSG 2101): encorafenib, binimetinib and cetuximab for early recurrent stage II/III BRAF V600E-mutated colorectal cancer