Stage III胃癌に対する術後補助化学療法におけるS-1+docetaxelの投与サイクル数が長期生存に及ぼす影響:OGSG0604&1002(phase II)
腹膜転移の病勢制御を考えたFU選択-進行胃癌1次治療におけるSP対XPの無作為化試験のメタ解析からの考察-FU selection for disease control of peritoneal metastases – Insights from a Meta-Analysis of AGC –
Effect of number of cycles of S-1+docetaxel in adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage III gastric cancer
Efficacy of SP and XP for HER2-negative unresectable advanced recurrent gastric cancer varies by histologic type
Efficacy of SP and XP for HER2-negative unresectable advanced recurrent gastric cancer varies by histologic type
Randomized phase II study of docetaxel versus paclitaxel in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma refractory to fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based chemotherapy OGSG1201
Stage III胃癌に対する術後補助化学療法としての6か月間の ドセタキセル+S-1投与の検討(OGSG1002)
Phase II feasibility study of adjuvant s-1 plus docetaxel for stage III gastric cancer patients after curative D2 gastrectomy (OGSG 1002)