Phase II study of panitumumab monotherapy in chemotherapy-naïve frail or elderly patients with unresectable, RAS wild type colorectal cancer (OGSG1602)
すべて の研究実績
Comparing five-weekly S-1 plus cisplatin with tri-weekly capecitabine plus cisplatin in patients with HER2 negative recurrent gastric cancer after S-1 adjuvant therapy or chemotherapy naïve advanced gastric cancer: a pooled analysis of HERBIS-2 (OGSG 1103) and HERBIS-4A (OGSG 1105) trials
Phase II study of preoperative radiotherapy combined with S-1 plus cisplatin in clinically resectable type 4 or large type 3 gastric cancer (OGSG1205)
Phase II study of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin in patients with gastric cancer resistant/intolerable to CDDP (OGSG1403)
75歳以上の根治切除可能な大型3型 / 4型胃癌に対する術前TS-1併用化学放射線療法第I/II相臨床試験(OGSG1303)
Stage III胃癌に対するadjuvant DTX+S-1療法の長期生存解析-OGSGのPII試験より- Long-term survival analysis of adjuvant S-1 plus docetaxel chemotherapy for Stage III gastric cancer after curative D2 gastrectomy (OGSG0604 & OGSG1002)
75 歳以上の根治切除可能な大型3 型/4 型胃癌に対する術前S-1 併用化学放射線療法(OGSG1303)
Stage III 胃癌に対するdocetaxel+S-1 療法による術後補助化学療法の長期生存解析(OGSG0604,OGSG1002)