HER2陰性再発・進行胃癌に対するSP療法とXP療法との比較: HERBIS-2 (OGSG 1103)試験とHERBIS-4A (OGSG 1105)試験との統合解析
すべて の研究実績
根治切除可能な大型3型 / 4型胃癌に対する術前TS-1+CDDP併用化学放射線療法 第I/II相臨床試験(OGSG1205)
Comparison of S-1–cisplatin every 5 weeks with capecitabine-cisplatin every 3 weeks for HER2-negative gastric cancer (recurrent after S-1 adjuvant therapy or chemotherapy-naïve advanced): pooled analysis of HERBIS-2 (OGSG 1103) and HERBIS-4A (OGSG 1105) trials
Comparison of S‑1–cisplatin every 5 weeks with capecitabine‑cisplatin every 3 weeks for HER2‑negative gastric cancer (recurrent after S‑1 adjuvant therapy or chemotherapy‑naïve advanced): pooled analysis of HERBIS‑2 (OGSG 1103) and HERBIS‑4A (OGSG 1105) trials
Docetaxel plus S‑1 versus cisplatin plus S‑1 in unresectable gastric cancer without measurable lesions: a randomized phase II trial (HERBIS‑3)
Phase II Study of Panitumumab Monotherapy in Chemotherapy- Naive Frail or Elderly Patients with Unresectable RAS Wild-Type Colorectal Cancer OGSG 1602
高度リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃癌に対する術前カペシタビン+ シスプラチン療法第Ⅱ相臨床試験(OGSG1401)
A phase II trial of dose‑reduced nab‑paclitaxel for patients with previously treated, advanced or recurrent gastric cancer (OGSG 1302)
Phase II study of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin in patients with gastric cancer resistant/intolerable to CDDP (OGSG1403)
A phase II trial of low-dose nab-paclitaxel for patients with previously treated or recurrent advanced gastric cancer (OGSG1302)