Phase II study of a new regimen for S-1 therapy aiming at adverse reaction mitigation for metastatic gastric cancer: a study by the Osaka Gastrointestinal Chemotherapy Study Group OGSG-0103
すべて の研究実績
Phase II study of paclitaxel and doxifluridine in patients with S-1 failure gastric cancer
TS-1 治療抵抗性の進行・再発胃がんに対するpaclitaxel/ doxifluridine 併用療法の第Ⅱ相臨床試験(OGSG 0302)
TS-1 抵抗性進行・再発胃癌に対するPaclitaxel/Doxifluridine併用療法の第Ⅱ相試験(OGSG0302・中間解析)
TS-1 治療抵抗性の進行・再発胃癌に対するPaclitaxel/Doxifluridine 併用療法の第 II 相臨床試験(OGSG 0302)
Phase I Study of S-1 Combined with Irinotecan (CPT-11) in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer (OGSG 0002)
Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of S-1 combined with weekly paclitaxel in patients with advanced gastric cancer
Phase I/II multicenter trial of S-1 plus paclitaxel in patients with metastatic gastric cancer: Osaka Gastrointestinal Cancer Chemotheraoy Study Group Study (OGSG 0105)