A Feasibility Study of UFT/LV and Irinotecan (TEGAFIRI) in Advanced or Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Osaka Gastrointestinal Cancer Chemotherapy Study Group (OGSG) PROG 0304
すべて の研究実績
Randomized phase II trial of S-1 plus irinotecanversus S-1 plus paclitaxelas first-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer (OGSG0402)
Phase I/II study of weekly taxol plus irinotecan for patients with advanced of recurrent gastric cancer (OGSG0104)
A feasibility/phase II study of UFT/LV and irinotecan (TEGAFIRI) in advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) (OGSG 0304)
Preventive effect of Carbamazepine for neurotoxicity of modified FOLFOX6 of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): a prospective phase II study (OGSG 0603 study)
Phase II study of bi-weekly CPT-11+CDDP for patients with gastric cancer refractory to S-1 (OGSG 0504 study)
進行・再発大腸癌に対するCPT-11+UFT/LV(TEGAFIRI)併用化学療法の耐容性臨床試験(大阪消化器がん化学療法研究会、プルロトコールNo. 0304)
FOLFOX療法に伴う、末梢神経症状に対する カルバマゼピンの有効性および安全性を検討する第2相臨床試験(OGSG0603)